Terms & Conditions

Terms apply to all MAPAS lessons

MAPAS Lessons: Terms and Conditions

1. Tuition will be given in 15 minutes, 20 minutes or 30 minutes duration. Shared
lessons are dependent on available slots. Please note it is a minimum of 30
minutes for a MAPAS@Home lesson;

2. Current lesson fees are £34.50 per hour, pro rata for any part of an hour;

3. Fees for each course of lessons are to be paid by monthly direct debit or termly in
advance by card. Failure to pay for lessons taken will result in details of outstanding
amounts being passed to the City Treasurers department;

4. Lessons in school will follow the school term dates. Lessons outside of school will
follow MAPAS term dates, which will be sent in advance of lessons commencing
(including those at MAPAS Centre, MAPAS@Home or Online);

5. A Parent/Carer must be present for a MAPAS@Home lesson;

6. Ad hoc lessons can be cancelled if at least fifteen days’ notice of absence has
been given to the MAPAS office. Please note the day you send your cancellation
is counted as day one. A lesson may be cancelled by the tutor and where a
replacement tutor cannot be allocated lessons so cancelled will be carried forward
to a mutually convenient date or credited at the end of term;

7. No refunds will be made for lessons missed through the pupil’s non-attendance;

8. The tutor will not enter the pupil for any examination or competition without the
parent/carers consent; the pupil (or their parent/carer) will not enter for an
examination or competition or perform in public without consultation with the tutor;

9. Pupils are reminded the tutor can only give tuition up to the end of the arranged
lesson time and therefore it is important that the lessons start punctually each

10. Fifteen days’ notice must be given to cancel lessons completely.

Extra-Curricular Music Groups/After School Clubs: Terms and Conditions

1. Extra-curricular groups/after school clubs will where possible be charged in line
with other extra-curricular/after school clubs offered by school (no lower than £3
per session and no more than £5 per session).

2. Extra-curricular groups/after school clubs will only run each term once the minimum
amount of members needed to make the extra-curricular group/after school club
viable has been reached.

3. Membership fees for extra-curricular/after school clubs will be billed termly in

4. Refunds are not available for termly extra-curricular/after school club membership.

N.B. Reference to pupils in these conditions includes the parent/carer of pupils
under 18 years where the context allows